Grand County Wildfire Council
Fire Danger & Restrictions
As of
Current Fire Danger
As of
LOW - Fires are not easily started. Fuels do not ignite readily from small firebrands, although a more intense ignition source, such as lightning, may start many fires in duff or punky wood. Fires in open cured grassland may burn freely a few hours after rain, but fires burning in forested areas spread slowly by creeping or smoldering, and burn in irregular fingers. There is little danger of spotting.

Current Fire Restrictions
As of
No restrictions at this time. Keep checking this page for the latest fire danger and restrictions.
The Grand County Fire Restrictions Phone Line (recorded) 970-725-3852
Help Us Prevent Wildfires
Become a Good Steward by Checking Official Sources:
Please read the infographic below for specific information what is and is NOT allowed during different stages of fire restrictions:
What are Fire Restrictions?
Fire restrictions can originate from many places. Federal agencies such as the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service can impose restrictions on the public land they manage. Individual states can impose restrictions on state-managed land. Counties may impose bans on private lands within county borders. Confusion can result from the multiple agency jurisdictions, especially when adjacent lands have different restrictions depending on the administering agency.