Links to Recordings and Materials for Recent Trainings
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May 31st, Link Title: Preparing Your Home for Wildfire Season, Grand County Wildfire Council
- Link to powerpoint slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zk2xTyJ3QULHk0nRNJb6hkpfQs-c5gMn/view?usp=sharing
July 19th, Link Title: Wildfire Resilient Communities Workshop for Leaders, Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative.
- Link to Recording: https://youtu.be/z5nNR0bSh0I
July 19th, Link Title: Insurance in a Wildland Urban Interface, Grand County Wildfire Council.
- Link to Recording: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/eiy39J601ZbCOgR71H6bNtMHFWypxb2lUN6ytHyGBtsWyFlhdGlXa9Xcy08aygsD.sZaYZWhf5rQmVEAg
- Link to FACO Additional Resources: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17nETySk19YGzUCsLk5pcDoWFScpJN4xX/view?usp=sharing
July 26th, Link Title: HOA Forum: Wildfire Mitigation & HOA Communities.
- Link to Recording: https://youtube.com/live/hw6q8hdmclA.
- Link to powerpoint slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14LXvfOsjAm6hx-mFKcGDN5FvMk3LTXo7/view?usp=sharing
July 26th, Link Title: Becoming Firewise, Grand County Wildfire Council.
- Unfortunately the recording did not work for this training.
- Link to powerpoint slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q_g7rCnNU58Yu382V-zZ6HUbLfJ32gDE/view?usp=sharing