Grand County Wildfire Council: Cost-Share Programs
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Grand County Wildfire Council offers cost share programs focused on reducing wildfire risk.
See our cost-share webpage or contact us for more information.
Hazard Ignition Zone (HIZ) Cost Share
- Single property owners, utilizing contractors, complete* vegetation reduction projects around their homes to increase safety and property protection in the event of a wildfire
- Cost sharing is generally limited to 50% of the total fuels treatment cost, $1,500 per acre, or $5,000 per property, whichever is least
Strategic Fuels Reduction Cost Share
- Supports the completion* of landscape scale, community level, and large parcel projects with a focus on connecting fuels reduction and fuels break treatments, as well as gaining a foothold in new areas to support future mitigation. Single or multiple property owners may apply
- Cost sharing is generally limited to 50% or less of the total fuels treatment cost
More information, applications, and contractors interested in bidding your project can be found on our cost-share webpage
*Please verify whether a wildfire risk assessment will be required prior to beginning your project